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i won’t hold it against you
我不会记仇的  detail>>
i won‘t hold you back
我不会将你挽回  detail>>
i won’t blame you
我不会怪你的  detail>>
can i hold you
我可以抱你吗  detail>>
i hold you tight
我紧紧拥抱你  detail>>
i wanna hold you
我想拥抱你  detail>>
i wanted to hold you
我想你们举办  detail>>
still i hold you there
我仍然握着你我也被你地耵聍  detail>>
i hope that won’t bother you
我希望你们不要介意  detail>>
if you go on like this i won
我就要不客气了  detail>>
won`t you hold me in my harm
你能否抱紧我在你的怀里  detail>>
won`t you hold me in your arms
你能否紧抱我在你的怀里  detail>>
so i can hold you , hold you
可以拥着你抱着你  detail>>
all that i want is to hold you
我只想抱紧你  detail>>
baby can i hold you
宝贝,让我与你相依偎 宝贝,我能抱你吗 亲爱的,我能抱你吗 让我拥有你  detail>>
could i hold you for a lifetime
我能否一辈子拥著你  detail>>
hold on, i’m waiting for you
要坚定,我在这里等你  detail>>
i get hold of you at last
我终于找到你了。  detail>>